Rural Education Gramin Shiksha


Rural Education Gramin Shiksha

Rural Education Gramin Shiksha

           The child learns a lot in school along with other children, but it is difficult to teach him at home. Usually, parents do not know what is the right way to teach a child. They think that scolding or killing the child is an option so that they start studying fearfully. But the question is, is this really the right way

         By scaring the child, you can force him to read in front of you, but he will avoid studying as a burden as soon as you lose sight. In such a situation, it is very important for the parents to know how to teach the child so that he will enjoy the studies and his interest in studies will increase.

       Before teaching children, know that you need patience in this work. The child will ask you the same question many times and you will have to explain it. Apart from this, take special care of these things while teaching the child.

1. If the child is very young, then try to teach him with the help of photo book, book of poems or video of poems.

2. There are many toys for teaching young children. Using them will also be very beneficial. Your child will learn a lot about sports.

3. Talk with children full of information. Try to give logical answers to their questions. Listening makes sense more quickly

4. Do not tie the child in the house. Children learn a lot by looking at things in society and meeting other children.

5. Do not consider being strict with children as the only option. Try to explain it to children in different ways. They can insist but once their fear of beating or scolding is gone, they will also stop respecting you.

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