Rural Education - Yoga in Rural Students


Rural Education - Yoga in Rural Students

Rural Education
 Yoga in Rural Students

     Yoga, which has been in circulation for more than ten thousand years, is found in the Rigveda, the oldest living literature. Various physical exercises are mentioned in the oldest Upanishads. 

In yoga, it is necessary to emphasize both physical and mental aspects. Asanas are necessary for the purification of the body and purification of the mind. Physical exercise of yoga is beneficial for all, old or young, healthy or weak and it leads everyone to progress. Talking about its main purpose, it keeps your mind and brain stable and helps to protect us from diseases, due to which we live a healthy lifestyle.

When yoga is so beneficial, we must also teach our children to do it. They should be taught the importance of yoga. This brings stability in the minds and minds of children and they can also concentrate on their studies. The whole world has accepted the miracle of yoga, that is why yoga education has been made compulsory in different countries of the world. Seeing the effect of yoga, physicians and scientists today recommend the practice of yoga. Yoga is very important for student life.

To increase interest in studies: For those students who do not have an interest in studies or do not remember even after studying, the yoga process works like a miracle for those students. Doing yoga in the morning improves the concentration and memory power of the students. This keeps the body, body healthy and healthy and the children are the toppers in all fields. The continuous practice of yoga strengthens the students' learning spirit.

Brain enhancement: By practicing yoga regularly, your brain becomes powerful and balanced. By the way, there are many types of tonics available in the market to sharpen the mind, they do not show any effect. But yoga is a natural tool that has no match. Along with doing yoga, having a proper diet can increase the mind of the students. 

Freedom from Drugs: Nowadays, a lot of enthusiasm is seen in the younger generation about drugs and they get used to it. Which are very harmful to their health. Continuous practice of yoga can get rid of these wrong habits.

     Achievement of goal: Those who are unable to reach their destination and if they want to achieve the goal in life, then they should practice yoga. Students can increase their thought power by purifying their brains on the strength of yoga, which helps students in achieving goals. Children who do yoga from the beginning inspire others by their behavior and actions and make them aware. With the help of yoga, children are able to recognize their goals quickly and are able to succeed in them.

Now you can understand why yoga education is so important in school. In today's time, most of the students and students are not only physically but mentally unwell. Due to which education cannot develop in them.

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