Rural Education In India - Schools Like In Rural India


Rural Education In India - Schools Like In Rural India

 Rural Education In India 

    Most of the population of India still lives in villages, so the subject of rural education is very important in India. The survey titled 'Report on the Annual Status of Education' shows that even though the number of rural students going to school is increasing, more than half of these students are unable to read books up to class II and solve simple mathematical problems. Can't do it Not only this, the level of mathematics and reading is also decreasing. Even though efforts are being made, their direction is not right. The reason cited in the survey for this is the increasing number of single classes for more than one grade. The attendance of students and teachers is also declining in some states. These are some of the reasons due to which rural education has failed in India

Rural Education In India

What are schools like in rural India-

    The quality and accessibility of education are also a major concern of rural schools and there is also the low commitment of teachers, lack of textbooks in schools, and lack of reading material. Although there are government schools their quality is a major issue as compared to private schools. Most of the people living in villages have understood the importance of education. And we also know that this is the only way out of poverty. But due to lack of money, they are unable to send their children to private schools and depend on government schools for education. Apart from all this, in some government schools, there is only one teacher for the whole school and if he does not come to work, then there is a school holiday. If the number of teachers along with the quality of these schools, that too the number of committed teachers is increased, then the willing rural children and the country of India can make their dreams come true by doing some great work.

Why rural education is important-

    Some of the government schools in rural India have high student numbers, leading to a worsening of the student-teacher ratio. In some remote villages of Arunachal Pradesh, there are 300 students in class 10th i.e. almost 100 students in each class. This makes it almost impossible for teachers to pay attention to every student even if they want.

    Every village in Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, and other states do not even have a school, that is, students have to go to another village to study. Due to this parents are unable to send their daughters to school and rural education fails in India.

rural education problems in India-

    Poverty is also a hindrance. The condition of government schools is not good and private schools are very expensive. As a result, the number of students going to college for further studies after being successful in secondary education is reduced. Hence the dropout rate at the secondary level in villages is very high. Only those parents are able to send their children to college after secondary education. who are financially capable. If parents do not send their children for higher education, then all previous efforts fail. Only getting secondary education means a less money job and a person again gets trapped in the cycle of poverty due to never-ending problems i.e. lack of money.

    Most of the textbooks are in English, and since the villagers speak only their native language or Hindi, the whole goal is lost.  However, some students in villages are very talented and have a wealth of practical knowledge and know-how to live even in difficult situations of life. Difficulty in understanding the textbooks, lack of facilities and poverty is hindrance in the education of such students.

rural education in India statistics

    The issue of quality is a bigger cause than poverty. Students are encouraged not to understand but to memorize the predetermined questions. Therefore, at the end of the session, students have to pass the exam more important than gaining knowledge. Apart from this, according to the new rules of CBSE, regardless of the marks of the student, it is mandatory to send him to the next class. That's why most of the students do not worry about studies, due to which the level of education also drops. Neither the students nor the teachers show any interest in studies, due to which the standard of education is deteriorating in India despite all the efforts.

    To make India a strong nation, it is necessary to lay the foundation at the primary and rural levels so that the quality of education is excellent from the very beginning. Education and textbooks should be made interesting. Textbooks for rural students should be related to their culture, tradition, and values so that interest in studies should be created in them. Instead of free education, the reason behind the dropout should be known which is a big stumbling block in the way of progress. Improvement in the condition of government schools, quality of education, committed teachers and increased pay should be part of development.

rural education development program in India-

    There is a big difference between urban and rural students not only of development or mind but also of the initial environment, skills, learning ability, availability of infrastructure, and accessibility of various facilities. All these things should be taken into account in creating a curriculum that teaches how to teach, rather than being separate, so that there is some difference. To enable genuine rural students who are interested in education.  examples of success in rural education in India

These are new and successful examples of running schools in rural India. Our country and the rural population residing in it is huge and one or two examples do not matter so there is a need to repeat these examples. In addition, rural India needs a large number of schools. It is important to evaluate the success of every school and student at every level. Timely evaluation can shed light on problems and achievements.

What is rural education?

Why rural education is important

What are schools like in rural India

What is the role of education in rural development

rural education in India ppt

rural education problems in India

rural education in India statistics

present scenario of rural education in India

rural education in India UPSC

rural education in India pdf

rural education in India -

rural education development program in India

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