Simple Health Tips For Everyone - Juice - vegetables


Simple Health Tips For Everyone - Juice - vegetables

The juice of mixed fruits and vegetables is healthy, beneficial in many diseases

Carrot- Tomato, orange, and beetroot juice, drinking 25 grams each regularly for two months makes the face beautiful and clean by removing the shadows, stains, acne.

Paralysis- In case of paralysis, juice of apple, grapes, and pear should be mixed in equal quantity and 

Drunk. This cures paralysis. Will drink it for a few months.

juice healthi

Headache- Acne, white matter or albumin, asthma, diabetes, headache, insomnia, liver disease, half-headache are cured by drinking 10-ounce carrot juice and 6-ounce spinach juice.

Gout - By drinking 12 ounces carrot juice and 4 ounces spinach juice, take anemia, heart colic, astigmatism, low and high blood pressure, abscesses, Bright's disease, cancer, bronchitis, glaucoma, colds, constipation, eye diseases, Gout, piles, hernia, flu, kidney diseases, nervous and gout diseases are cured.

Constipation- Drinking raw juice of spinach and red tomato brings more urine, it ends constipation.

Bad breath- Taking 8 ounces of carrot juice, 4 ounces of spinach juice, 4 ounces of cucumber juice together end bad breath.

Obesity- Drink 1 lemon in hot water in the morning. After this, drink 12 ounces of carrot juice and 4 ounces of spinach juice mixed. This reduces obesity.


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health tips Juice

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